Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Potato Soup {Recipe for Uncle Drew}

This is a picture tutorial for Uncle Drew on how to make yummy Potato Soup!

 Gather your ingredients:
Onion (I used frozen.)
Stick of butter
Evaporated Milk

First take a peeler and your potatoes. Get a plastic bag for the peelings.
OH NO!!!!!!!!

You forgot to wash your hands.

Wash them good!

I would suggest you check Noah for accidents in his pants before beginning!

Ok-- start peeling. I peel a whole 5lb bag. Put the peeled potatoes in a colander.

Look at those peelings. Throw them away, but remember to remove your peeler before disposing of the bag.

5lbs of potatoes...peeled. Eww...dirty!!

Fill your soup pot with water. You want just enough water to cover the potatoes after you dice them up.

I don't normally add much water. You can always add more once you see how full it gets with potatoes.

Clean them taters!

Clean them REALLY good.

Now dice up your potatoes. Careful to not cut off a finger. I have had close calls before. Wet potatoes can be kind of hard to work with.

Put your diced potatoes in the pot of water.

Add salt. Very important that you salt the potatoes. But....beware of how much salt you use. You must generously salt the potatoes, but not TOO generously. Trust me.

Onion. Now....I know you don't like onion, so you CAN skip it, but I highly suggest it. It adds so much flavor to your soup. I use frozen, but you may just chop up fresh.

Pour in your onion. Your call on how much to add.

Stir your potatoes with a really ridiculous looking facial expression. It adds to the flavor. Cook it on med/high until potatoes are done.
In the mean time.....

Let's play a game of....Find the smiling baby in the messy toy room.

THERE she is!

Ok...time to make your dumplings. We love putting dumplings in the potato soup. Adds a chewy texture. Yum! You want to take some flour. Crack eggs and stir. I can't tell you how much flour or eggs. Just start with a little. Add more flour to the eggs, add more eggs to the flour. You want a sticky, gooey mess in the bowl. OOPS...add some salt!

Again...crack the eggs....

Add eggs to flour...... OH NO!!!!!......

Kids are making a MESS!!! As long as they are alive, proceed with cooking.

Check to make sure the dog is still in the backyard.

Ok...take a minute to cuddle with the little princess.

This is what your dumpling dough will look like.
Potatoes are done! Time to add the dumplings! You can pinch the dumplings with your fingers and drop in the boiling water, or you can use a fork.

 Drop all the dough in the boiling water. They will float on top of the water. Yum!
Time to add the stick of butter.....

And the can of evaporated milk.

Pour that evaporated milk!

Add your pepper...to taste...ACHOO...bless you!

Almost done! Stir that pepper in!

ALL DONE!!! You did it! You made a whole pot of Potato Soup!

And here are what the critics say......


I shall eat my soup like a dog!

This soup is the BEST!

This soup makes my tail wag!

Why can't I have any??? :(
And here you have it!
Have fun making your soup, Uncle Drew!!!!
We love you!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Trick-OR-Treat...I am back!

.....Finally! We have a computer and I can start my blog again!

Our good ol' laptop was in critical care a while back, but took a turn for the worse. He is no longer with us, but now the angels in heaven have one more laptop to play with! :) We had our ipad to use until we got another computer. This time we went with the all-in-one computer (desktop) which seems like a better choice with kids running around. Some of you may know....kids and laptops are a bad combination. The boys LOVE this computer. It has a touch screen, so I can remove the mouse and keyboard (to avoid destruction). So-- there we have it! I am back online. :)

This have been going SO well for my family...besides the hurricane heading straight for my brother in New York City. We are praying that he stays safe. I will update you, now, on everything going on in my family:

We just had our family pictures taken for the first time and OH BOY did they turn out great!!!! Thanks Caitlin!!! Have I ever mentioned how blessed we are with our kiddos and beautiful life? :) Well...WE ARE SOOO BLESSED!

Our little Liam is growing up so fast. (STOP DOING THIS TO US, TIME!) He is growing into a very loving, handsome boy. Liam still loves playing with his trains and loves to build things. I think he is going to be our little construction engineer. :) He is a very special little boy and I thank God everyday that he blessed us with this remarkable, little angel.

Noah just joined the great club known as....the terrible two's. :) We joke, calling him the 'human wrecking ball'. He is one energetic, little man....that has such a loving heart. Noah loves Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. He loves to play outside and, especially now, loves the leaves. One of the best parts of his day are when he hears the 'beep' from Daddy's car in the driveway. The boys run to the door and get soooo excited to see Daddy. Noah is a little angel and we praise God for bringing such a bright, young boy into our lives.


OH my little princess!!!! Oh this baby is the best, sweetest little angel! Truly....she is SUCH a good baby! At 6 weeks, she was sleeping through the night, she naps at the same time as the boys.....happy all the time (unless Mommy leaves her with someone or she is hungry). We are working on the anxiety when Mommy leaves. Oh, but, she is such a blessing. She is in LOVE with food. haha! She nurses GREAT still and also devours all of the baby food we give her. We love her to pieces! Thank you, Lord, for this Angel!

So there you have it! We are all doing so great! We have had a lot going on in the past months. One in particular is that our whole inside of our house is pretty much new. We had water damage...causing us to live in a hotel for 3.5 weeks and in return....new house. It was worth the stress.

We just had trick or treat. My little boys were...devils. :) I didn't have the heart to put Amelia in a devil costume, so she was a little angel. :) Here are a few pics of our fun day!

Little Devils....so fitting. :)
Little Angel....so fitting. :)
Now to leave you with this..........