Saturday, September 3, 2011

WhAt A wEeK {be prepared}

What a week we have had!! Ok...maybe like 2 weeks, but MAN! I hope the big man upstairs is sending some good luck our way. We NEED it! Here is what happened.

Sunday, August 21 I started to get a headache. Nothing really bad, but one of those annoying ones that won't go away. It increased in intensity and finally I couldn't take it anymore. That Wednesday I went to my family doc and told him about it and how is it the worst headache I have ever had. What does he say? "Take Tylenol and keep a headache journal this month." What the bleep is a HEADACHE JOURNAL??? 
So...I went home and my mother was at my door saying she was taking me to the hospital because she was worried that I might have 'meningitis' {word to the wise- listen to your mom. MOST of the time (not always) she is right} So...went to the hospital....running a fever.....2 spinal taps and a CAT Scan later......meningitis! Here is my frustrating news...leading into the NEXT topic:
When I had my second spinal tap, they had to use an xray to get it done. When I went in, I explained to the doctor and two nurses that 'we practice natural family planning...there is ALWAYS a chance of pregnancy. Can you please use a lead vest or find another way of doing this?' The doctor got very short with me and said he was doing it this way. I went back to Brad SO upset. I didn't THINK we were expecting, but I am always cautious about it. So....I get out of the hospital on Friday and have a follow up doc appointment {a new family doctor, needless to say}. He ran a urine culture and came back in to say that I was pregnant. Go in to find out if the virus is gone....come out pregnant. (that sounds bad. haha)
You can about imagine how mad Brad and I are at the hospital for doing the xrays against my will. Brad spent the day on the phone making a formal complaint. ANYWAYS: We will be expecting a little one in May! We couldn't be more excited. We are praying that everything is fine with him/her. Sept. 21 we go to see the flickering heartbeat. 
Please send prayers that everything is ok. :)


  1. What do you mean mom isn't always right? I think I am about 90% of the time. Just kidding. It helps to be a nurse. I knew when someone has the worst headache ever and stiff neck that we were dealing with something serious. I think the Dr.should have known for sure.

  2. Thank God we went to the hospital. We were really worried it would be an expensive trip for a sinus infection. It scares me to think about what the consequences of not going would have been.
